The Vertical Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland (VSSFCW) Performance Using Typha angustifolia and Ipomoea aquatica for Tofu Wastewater BOD and COD Removal
Tofu is one of the most popular foods in Indonesia. in the production process, it produces quite a high BOD and COD which are around 5.000-10.000 mg/L and 7.000-14.000 mg/L in liquid waste effluent. Tofu wastewater effluent that exceeds the quality standard of soybean processing industry wastewater into river waters without prior treatment and reduction can certainly cause environmental damage. On the other hand, tofu wastewater made from soybeans with high nutritional content has the potential for sustainable use. Therefore, an effective, and sustainable wastewater treatment process to minimize environmental damage and increase the circular economy is needed. In situ wastewater treatment utilizing an equalization tank and a wetland with a Vertical Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland (VSSFCW) type connected by a distribution tank using Typha angustifolia and Ipomoea aquatic plants were employed to treat tofu wastewater in order to reduce the organic matter inside wastewater measured by BOD and COD levels. The treatment plants were able to reduce approximately 68,53% of BOD levels and 70,29% of COD levels with Typha angustifolia as a phytoremediator and about 56,96% of BOD levels and 59,04% of COD levels with Ipomoea aquatica as a phytoremediator. Typha angustifolia has better resistance and adaptability than Ipomoea aquatica to tofu wastewater. A wetland-based system can potentially be developed considering the sustainability opportunities of using phytoremediator plants.
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Constructed Wetlands, Ipomoea aquatica, Phytoremediation, Typha angustifolia, Tofu wastewater treatment

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