Refugia blog to increase the diversity of natural enemies that function as control of fruit fly pests Bactrocera dorsalis in Malang Orange Groves in Malang Orange Groves garden
Abstract: Bactrocera dorsalis is a pest that attacks horticultural fruit crops, especially oranges. Control of fruit fly pests can be done by engineering the blog refugia habitat which attracts the presence of natural enemies so that it can stabilize the ecosystem and be more sustainable for the environment. The aim of this research is toanalyzing the application of habitat engineering to the Bactrocera dorsalis fruit fly population and natural enemy diversity, fruit fly population fluctuations, and Farmers' perceptions of pest controlfruit flies that attack oranges. This research was conducted on former rice fields and moorland in Krajan Hamlet, Sumbersekar Village, Dau District, Malang Regency. The method used was survey sampling by placing refugia plants in tumpeng sari, 4 fruit fly traps were placed in each field, the trapped fruit flies and natural enemies were observed every morning, afternoon and evening every week 10 times. The results showed an increase in the diversity of natural enemies in the 2 fields planted with refugia, abiotic factors and host plants influenced fluctuations in fruit fly populations. In orange orchards, 2 rainfall factors influence the rise and fall of fruit fly populations. Farmers' perceptions are relatively high in their approval of controlling fruit fly pests using refugia plants which has been proven through validity and reliability tests on the results of the questionnaire.
Keywords: Bactrocera dorsalis, fruit flies, blog refugia, population fluctuations, natural enemies
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Bactrocera dorsalis, fruit flies, blog refugia, population fluctuations, natural enemies

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