Growth and yield response of butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) flower to planting media and organic fertilizer combination
The blue pea flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) is a leguminous plant that has been demonstrated to possess high antioxidant content. The plant is frequently employed as a medicinal herb, a source of color, and an ornamental plant, largely due to its attractive floral pigmentation. The objective of this study is to ascertain the efficacy of employing a combination of planting media and organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of pea flower plants. This research conducted between April and June 2024. The research was conducted at the Brenjonk Organic Farming Community Land in Sendang Hamlet, Penanggungan Village, Trawas District, Mojokerto Regency, East Java Province. The geographical location is at an altitude of 600-700 meters above sea level, with a rainfall of 2,000 mm per year, humidity of 66%, and an average air temperature of 18-20 ºC. This research used a completely randomized design (CRD) with two treatments: planting media (soil, soil and raw husk, soil and burnt husk, soil and compost) and several kinds of LOF (Liquid Organic Fertilizer) kepok banana peel (300 ml per plant) and Green Fertilizers green fertilizer (240 g per plant). The findings of this study indicate that the combination of planting media (soil and compost) and Green Fertilizers green fertilizer yielded superior results compared to other treatments
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Bunga butterfly pea, planting media, POC, tithonia, production

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